But after talking to her and hearing what she has to say....I put the phone back into the cradle and think "Darn it anyway....now I have to lose 30 lbs in a matter of weeks and find something fabulous to wear."
You've probably guessed why she's calling me...it's class reunion time. I don't know why I do this to myself. Last time she called me I told her...."No Theresa, I'm not going!" But each time I end up going and having a wonderful time. I've been to every reunion. Now, as the old folks get out of the car and go into the party it's agony because I know I'm one of them too. We are all getting older....and you can really tell after not seeing someone for 10 years. It's all over our faces, wiggley arms, larger clothing sizes and sagging parts (I won't go into specifics here....but you know what I mean.)

After looking through the year book I see pictures of bright and hopeful faces. Pictures of youth, promise and enthusiasm. I hope they all show up. I love hearing what they have been up to over the years.
Until later dear friends....
- Thursday, July 30, 2009