I'm in my recliner! After market, I just had to take some time off. I've been reading books, going out to lunch with friends, playing the piano, watching my nails grow. taking cooking classes and in general just acting like I don't have to get the house ready for the holidays. (And believe me I've got plenty of work to do....but it's hard for me to get interested in a vacuum, dust rag or even a dish washer.) Are you feeling the same? I think if anyone can get me out of a chair to make them peanut butter and toast they would be lucky! La de da ....right? Dave was hopeful there might be dinner after my great cooking class. But I think the class was more about watching someone cook a meal for me....not about me cooking.
I finally had the energy to get out my camera and check the pictures I took at market. And I knew I had to get on-line and share some fun ones with you. I know you've already seen just about everything there is to show from all the real bloggers....but just in case you missed something, here goes!
Guess who dropped by our booth at market?

Right then I should have known trouble was brewing! I replied, "55."
He said, "Nevermind, you're too damn old. I need someone younger. Do you know anyone else I can call?"
Can you believe it? I love him nevertheless. This is really a poster of him. (One of those where it looks like he is looking at you no matter where you stand.) He wasn't able to be at market....but it was fun pretending....Hi Mark!!! Love you!!!! Would you like to come to Kansas City for a make over? Barb and I have one planned for you. hahahaha

Building a booth can be hard work. I built two stud walls and added 4 - 4' x 8' panels of homasote to cover the stud walls. The homasote panels are covered with pages from old books. Dave got involved and built a couple of ladders. One for the top that held the second ladder in place. A bit of garland, some twinkle lights and hanging candles and you get the idea!

The table was covered with a quilt of Barb's.

All of the projects in the booth are in our newest book Garden Club.

Go to Moda's blog and see the small movies about everyone! I did a segment for Blackbird Designs too. (I get so nervous doing those! But everyone does I guess.)
Lissa from Moda fabrics sent me some pre-cuts of our fabric line "Antique Fair." Look for a contest soon!
Until later dear friends. I promise to get out of the recliner soon.
- Friday, November 12, 2010